-Report Start-
Location Details:4th January 2009
Sunday 2100 Hours
Cafe KK1
Personnel Involved:
6 Centuries high officials (include President and Vice President)
1. Identify the best system to be presented on 6th of January.
2. Exchange opinions and classified information from other distinctive companies.
3. Distribute tasks to team members.
Proposed System:
1. Role Playing Game
2. Fighting Game
3. ABC learning application
4. Petakom Official website
5. High Security System
Details about each proposed system:
Role Playing Game
A game that based on predetermined storyline, packed with monster slashing action, swirling fireballs, god and goddesses, dungeons and dragons, swords and spells. This idea was kicked out early in the meeting since not everyone has in depth knowledge about the system, plus the complex AI doubles the problem.
Fighting Game
A game that pits two character in a selected location, performing martial arts ritual such as punching, kicking, high punch, low punch, jump 2 times in the air, blocking, launching blue flames, combo movements, recoil time and whatsoever exist in that game. Rejected with classified reasons.
ABC Learning Application
As soon as we know there was already 2 teams considering this system, clearly ABC was out of the list.
High Security System
An attempt to integrate the most recent piece of technology available today. A system that consists of biometric, voice recognition, password generator, retina scan and face detection. As complex as it sounds and each of us never ever think to use one in our home, this system is screwed.
Petakom Website
Petakom is the computer system student organization. Clearly they need a website to keep track all the activities and as an alternative for members to get updated. The requirements we listed are standard or basic requirement in your usual website. We decide this is the best, back to the basic. Easy and clear.
Other notes:
1. President will lead the company presentation, and will be assist by Muhaimin and Saufi.
2. The slides must be submit to every members on Monday.
-End of Report-
you have select the petakom website as your RFP. why this project?
Sorry sir for late reply, we didn't notice the comment
Why Petakom for RFP?
1. We want a integrated portal for computer student and faculty.
2. As a medium for knowledge sharing(and resource sharing eg files, entertainment etc.)
3. To keep track Petakom activities as a way for promoting the club
4. To establish a strong relationship between junior and senior students.
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