The 4th Meeting 19th Jan
As same as always, the meetings took place at Cafe compound KK1. All member warmth their seat while awaiting the President to arrive.
The meeting start with the president checking on everyone progress. First of all he remind us to complete the P2P forms, asked us to fill the form with honesty.
Later on the President discuss the first matter, about the technique related to Software Project Management. Chin dig from the Internet several methodologies and shared with us. The President himself present his findings while other giving out comments and discussed either techniques are applicable or not. The discussion lead us to one resolution, ask Mr Adzhar advice.
Other important things is the allocation of task, who have to done what. The task were listed and perhaps on the next meeting the President will announce what our task are.
Carry on the 5th meeting...>>
The 5th Meeting 21st Jan
Another blurry night.
Weird..the President always sit in the same spot
Saufi and Hilman :: Chapter One Introduction and Chapter Four Conclusion
Filzah and Alin :: Chapter Two Literature Review
Chin and Laila :: Chapter Three Methodologies
Yamin and Azmi :: User Manual, Interfaces
After discussing with Mr Adzhar, he adviced us to put our findings in the methodologies section.
President urged us to quickly finished our job, "Clear everything early and we all can have a nice holiday" he said.
The meeting dissmissed
After the SPM class the President giving out order that tonight we will held a mandatory meeting. Same place and same time.
The tasks were announced. We were split into 4 pairs.
Saufi and Hilman :: Chapter One Introduction and Chapter Four Conclusion
Filzah and Alin :: Chapter Two Literature Review
Chin and Laila :: Chapter Three Methodologies
Yamin and Azmi :: User Manual, Interfaces
After discussing with Mr Adzhar, he adviced us to put our findings in the methodologies section.
President urged us to quickly finished our job, "Clear everything early and we all can have a nice holiday" he said.
The meeting dissmissed